Bill Bennett, ASC was the cinematographer for this commercial for Electronic Data Systems, also known by their initials EDS. Catherine Lefebvre was the Director. We circled the globe to make this commercial, with a whirlwind schedule covering eight countries in five weeks. That works out to about 4 to 5 days per country, but that included flying into the country, then drive / fly / boat to the location inside the country, scouting, rigging cameras on boats / airplanes / cars, shooting (always at dawn or sunset) and traveling back to the main airport, and flying on to the next country.
It was on this show I finally learned to sleep on airplanes, as that was the only time we could sleep.
Another problem was the production office in Los Angeles had no problem calling you at 4am local time to ask some innocuous question that could have waited. The Line Producer, Pat Paolo got out of Producing and went into Camera Assisting after this job, as he got zero sleep for 5 weeks straight. All, in all, it was an amazing experience.